Our Coffee Tag in bonnie Perthshire



Crieff, Comrie and Auchterarder Group coffee tag .

The Zoom September planning meeting was well attended and full of its’ expected enthusiasm and ideas.

We concluded that the way forward was to continue with the certainty of Zoom, at the same time looked for a way to meet without Zoom as the medium is challenging.

At that point, in Scotland only two households could meet up, which, for all our group meant two people.

So we created our own coffee tag. This involved names being randomly listed then lady one met lady two, a few days later lady two met lady three and so on until the circle was completed and lady twelve met lady one .

We were able to meet in a variety of settings until the end of the year, including coffee shops, gardens and taking a walk, sometimes with the family dog. Topics of discussion were various and our members reported the subject discussion along with a relevant picture after meeting up, in an email, which in itself prompted further super discussions!!

We all enjoyed these meetings and the different medium of a one to one chat

It was such a success that we repeated it with a secret Santa coffee tag.

(Crieff, Comrie and Auchterarder NWR)