The NWR Walk
What is the NWR Walk?
Simply put, it is a two-week period in which members are encouraged to go on walks together. The majority of the walks end up in a pub or tea room!

There is no prescribed route or distance for the walks and non-members of NWR are welcome to join NWR members on their walk.
Regular communications are sent to members from NWR throughout the two week period describing where members have walked, sharing photos and interesting observations.

It’s a great excuse to get together with other NWR members, explore our local areas and enjoy the benefits of walking.
The only rule…
There must be at least two NWR members on each walk.

The NWR Walk 2024
– Looking After Our World –
The 2024 walk took place from Saturday 20 April to Friday 3 May.
We invited members to do their bit to help the environment as they walked. They had litter-picking ‘womble walks’, contributed to a survey of wildlife by reporting ancient trees or species of wildlife, or were simply aware of the impact we have on the environment – do you use refillable water bottles? Do you car share where possible?
Click on the newsletters below to find out more about where we walked in 2024!

The NWR Walk 2023 – Walk and Talk
Wow! What a fantastic two weeks of walking we had! We’ve seen an amazing variety of walks take place in all weathers, with lots of walking and talking taking place!
Click on the newsletters below to find out more about where we walked in 2023!

The NWR Walk 2022
The inaugural ‘NWR Walk’ took place in the first two weeks of October 2022. Thank you to everyone who took part and contributed to the incredible 4891 miles collectively walked, surpassing by a huge margin the original target set – the 628 mile distance between our most southerly group, Roseland in Cornwall, and our most northerly group, Bridge of Don in Northern Scotland.
What did we do?
We asked NWR members go on a walk together (it was up to them where and how far they walked) and record how many miles (or part of a mile) they walked.
The only rule – at least two NWR members must be on the walk. Non-members were welcome to join you – in fact, we encouraged it as an opportunity to spread the word about how great NWR is.
Have a look here to see more photos and details of where NWR members walked (you will need to be a member of NWR to view this page).