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Lockdown Liftoff

A lockdown ode from member, Pauline Rhodes

So Lockdown is lifting on 17th May,

Though we had rain and hail today!

Then there were the claps of thunder

Shaking the whole sky asunder!  


At last we should all be pleased,

Because Lockdown is being eased.

During that time life was so abnormal

What in future will be NORMAL?


Now we have reached the middle of May,

Some restrictions will go away.

But what is now safe to do?

What CAN we do we will not rue?


The Lockdown claws are now uncurling,

The roadmap to freedom is unfurling.

Are we heading towards a schism,

Or have we grounds for optimism?


Roll on summer, with warmth and sun!

Our vegetables might even begin to run

Away with themselves and start to grow

(They’re a good month behind you know!)


If the brave the weather can deride,

As down the thermometer seems to slide.

At least we now can eat and drink inside,

(If the confined space you can abide).


As from our cocoons we emerge,

Some to pubs and restaurants will surge.

To hostelries, doors open wide,

To encourage us inside.


But only if you book, you sap!

Woe betide those that have no app!

Let alone no mobile banking –

You just slipped right down the ranking!


We can visit shops, go on the bus

And leave our county without fuss.

If museums and art galleries are more your style,

Then with hungry anticipation in you can file.


Now we should be full of vim,

Shedding pande-pounds at the gym.

You can exercise inside in a group

But wearing a mask, as in you troop!


Swimming pools have opened their doors,

(Though not as good as distant shores!)

Lane swimming increases power,

But you still can’t use the shower!


Everyone wonders, but no-one asks

Should we all still wear our masks?

We still have to proceed with care  

How much risk do you want to share?


From  this day we can even hug! 

Doesn’t this on your heartstrings tug?

Although you still have to avert your face,

Just to keep their safety in place.


Now ‘Staying Local’ no longer applies,

We can re-strengthen our family ties.

Travel round the country they permit

And friends and family can now visit.


No restrictions on distance travel

‘Stay local’ s no longer under the gavel –

You won’t be fined for having a brew

Whilst in your car enjoying the view!


We can even go away

And take a summer holiday,

Mostly restricted to UK,

Though inflated prices you will pay!


If you want to go abroad

Restrictions cannot be ignored.

Let’s hope the Indian B161 Variant

Will not make many far less sentient.


For those with friends and relations

Scattered though all global nations,

Hope and pray them soon to see,

When the green light shines on THEIR country.


In retirement we still resent

The wasted time we should have spent

Doing the things we now CAN’T do,

Now this Lockdown is nearly through.


So CARPE DIEM, we must be bold.

We know not what the future will hold.

So dust off your bucket list,

Review, amend it, so nothing’s missed!


Now you have your revised plan

Get out and do what’re you can.

Enjoy your life and try to cram

As much in before the doors again slam!


© Pauline Rhodes, May 2021