Your trees have been planted!
A total of 812 trees were purchased by 430 NWR groups and individual members to commemorate NWR’s 60 year anniversary in 2020. The pandemic caused delays in planting the trees, but we have finally had confirmation from the National Forest that all the trees have been planted.
Where are they planted?
The trees have been planted at a new site, called Minorca Woods, between the villages of Swepstone and Measham in North West Leicestershire.
This 150-hectare site has previously been the site of a deep mine, with the natural regeneration of trees clearly visible on what was once the spoil heap. More recently, over the last ten years, two-thirds of the site was an open cast mine, before being restored to grassland. It is now one of a handful of sites that is owned by the National Forest that they can use as a home for trees and areas of young woodland that can contribute to research and demonstration of best practice as they grow.
The trees purchased by NWR members are part of 23,000 trees that the National Forest have planted this year through dedications. They are planted in large swathes, surrounded by rabbit proof fencing, and will grow to form a rich, mixed species woodland. The trees have also all been registered as part of the Queen’s Green Canopy, an initiative which is focused on planting trees to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.
Over the next five years, the site will continue to be restored with woodland, wood pasture and natural colonisation, connecting wildlife habitats, helping protect and improve water quality in the nearby internationally important, River Mease Special Area of Conservation, and providing new public access for local communities.
Would you like to find out more about the National Forest?
The National Forest continues its work creating woodlands close to where people live and work. You can sign up to their newsletters here.
Does your dedication have a story behind it? The National Forest are aware that many dedications have a story behind them – they would like to build a forest full of them! If you’d like to share your story with the National Forest please email them at [email protected]