Launch Meeting

Leighton Buzzard’s newest women’s group is off to a flying start. A dozen women turned up at a meeting in the town centre on 23 January to launch the town’s second branch of the National Women’s Register (NWR).

Two had already signed up before the meeting, and by the end of the day, another three had joined, with more thinking about it.

The topic for the first meeting was: Why do you like living in Leighton Buzzard? These are the reasons they came up with: Easy access to the countryside; the architecture in the town centre (especially when you look up to the first floors and above!); rail links; library and the library theatre; and the choice of supermarkets.

The next meeting will be on February 13 when the group will discuss which non-tech item wouldn’t you want to be without. Before that there will be a coffee morning on February 6.

The photo is of Heather, the Local Organiser, and Sue, our founder member.