As the Winchester branch of NWR we are a thriving, lively and supportive group of around 25 who value our meetings enough to get together almost every Thursday of the year. The average meeting numbers around a dozen of us.
Most Thursday afternoons during term times we meet at a community hall in Stanmore (with free parking). Outside term times we meet in the morning at a local café, or in members’ houses for informal chats. Our Book Group meetings are held monthly on a Wednesday evening in members’ homes.
Three times a year two volunteers organise our programme based on members’ selections of a wide range of discussion topics and speakers; occasional play readings and quizzes are included as are outdoor events such as walks and visits to places of interest, always followed by lunch.
Members are encouraged to research topics and bring items of relevance, but no one is under pressure to speak – normally we manage very adequately to fill our two two-hour slot with plenty of interesting detail and plenty of laughter too.
We have a number of longstanding members but are always happy to welcome new members. So, if you are new to the area, a former member who wants to rejoin us, or someone who would just like to make new friends in a relaxed atmosphere, as well as participating in lively discussion, please contact us.
Please download our current programme.