A Good Read Returns – Saturday 3rd October 2015, 10.00am–4.30pm


Greetham Valley Golf and ConferenceCentre, 

Wood Lane, Greetham, Oakham, Rutland LE15 7SN 01780 460444 

£30 per person

Members of Deepings & Grantham groups invite you to a Literary Day Conference. As in the previous Good Read conferences we are lucky to have Dr Jane Mackay as a speaker Jane will start the morning session with her talk on North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell: ‘One Housewife with Real Attitude’.

Our next speaker will be Gaynor Arnold, NWR member and author of Girl in a Blue Dress and After Such Kindness: ‘Inventing the Past’.

After a delicious lunch you are free to take part in your chosen literary based workshop, see further information overleaf.

The impresive venue is easily accessible from the A1, 7 miles from Oakham in Rutland.

The Greethan Golf Hotel are putting on a really super choice of lunch before the afternoon workshops commence. These are followed by a closing participatory session to share in the workshop outcomes, accompanied by cakes and coffee.

The day (as before) involves a book swap and each delegate will take home a goodie bag of trifles including a free book.

 Any enquiries please email: faithoxford@hotmail.com