Our Museum of Curiosity


question marks

 Tea brick Bronco Deckchair Zips Camnera  Ilkla MoorGerald Lincoln

For our meeting last week on Zoom we were asked to think of something worthy of deposit in The Museum of Curiosity, as per the radio 4 programme. Most of us found it very difficult to choose something, but this eclectic mix is what we ended up with….

First – a big sign at the entrance saying ‘JUST GET ON WITH IT’, with the intention that it would jolt one out of all the dithering and muttering which we tend to do instead of simply getting stuff done.

Then we enthusiastically offered:

Toilet rolls ; Deckchairs ; Zips/Zippers ; Tea Bricks ; Cameras ; Gerald Lincoln, Endocrinologist ; ‘On Ilkla Moor Baht’at’ ;  City of Liverpool


A dead cat (because, of course…. Curiosity Killed the Cat!)

Everything was graciously accepted by The Curator [thanks Jane]. Do come and visit.

Dead cat

Only with NWR !!