Here’s a souper idea from Dalgety Bay!

Dalgety Bay Group has been meeting every fortnight during Covid times.

We have now all got the hang of Zoom and on a cold snowy or frosty night it’s quite nice to think we don’t have to turn out into the cold.

We have covered topics like the RNLI, our favourite poem and a tale about someone we never had chance to say to say ‘Sorry’ or ‘Thank you’ to.

We dressed up for our online Christmas Party, with our glasses of wine and crisps and took part in a quiz.

One of the fun things we have done is to share our special soup recipes. It has been the right weather for a tasty soup.

Here is one of the recipes from our collection. I can recommend it.

Sweet Potato and Red Pepper Soup with Coconut Milk

25g butter

1 onion

450g of chopped sweet potato

2 peeled and chopped red peppers

400ml can of coconut milk

1tbs ground coriander

700 ml vegetable stock

Melt butter in a large pan and cook onion until soft but not brown. Stir in the ground coriander and cook for 2 mins. Add the sweet potato and red peppers and cook for 5 mins. Add the stock and bring to the boil, cover, and simmer for 20 mins. Cool a little then blitz. Add the coconut milk, season to taste, heat and serve.