This proved to be a very interesting subject and everyone contributed well-researched and interesting information. Margaret had look at the history of pub-signs through the ages and the stories and meanings behind some well-known pub names, including the Botany Bay. Hazel was curious about the Three Horseshoes and we learned that it was a sign for the Farriers’ Guild and indicated a farrier nearby. She also told us about The Silent Woman at Coldharbour. Angela had looked into some more obscure names – some gruesome and some amusing. Celia recalled the history of The Flower Pot at Sunbury-on-Thames and concluded it indicated a Market Garden area. Pam told us about the Elephant & Castle and its connections with the Cutlers Guild crest, and we learnt about the Green Man from Prue and Alice Lisle from Gill. Wendy concluded with the history of a local pub, The Pure Drop. We all agreed it had been an absorbing evening.