I feel to start this news item I should perhaps explain how it became a standard event on our annual NWR programme it was the forerunner of many other annual events and sub groups that have been introduced over the life of our group – Beverley and now Beverley & District NWR – A rose by any other name perhaps may we offer our alternative – Neglected Women’s Relatives
Many, many years ago the husbands and partners of Beverley NWR (as we were known then) were feeling a little left out of all the social activities their ladies were enjoying over and above their NWR programmed meetings. After some discussions at our ladies only Before Christmas Meal and a suggestion from one of our alternative NWR members we decided to have a January After Christmas Party which has become one of our standard annual events and does feature in our programme. This year 24 people enjoyed an evening of fun and games starting off with a picture quiz posted on sheets around the venue (we have to thank Joan and Keith for hosting this year) and as folk arrived they got themselves a drink, an answer sheet and set off in pairs trying to identify stars of stage and screen who like us have now reached a certain age! Well done to Joan for putting this quiz together which bamboozled many of us. If you would like a copy just message us but be warned it was difficult.
Once everyone had arrived the evening was handed over to Jenny S who laptop in hand used a randomiser to generate the pairings for the games and then handed round silly Christmas spectacles.

The first game was ‘Who can make the best snowman in one minute’. Two teams at a time battled it out to be voted on by everyone as having created the best snowman. This caused a lot of laughter and frustration (when the loo roll broke) but was great fun and dare I say got just a little competitive by some teams.

Just to give you a flavour of the evening here are a few pics of some of the games including Beer Pong (minus the beer) how many balls can you get in a cup, Chopsticks how many mini marshmallows can you pick up with chopsticks, Jungle Sprint who can pull their creature from the top to the bottom of the table without it falling off. It was amazing to see how fast some folk, Lyn especially could pull and roll up their paper to win their race.

Over the years its fair to say we have had some wonderful after Christmas parties with the various LO’s arranging different evenings from a ‘quizzical evening’ to a pub evening’ with games including darts dominoes and skittles. This year Joan and I tried to cater for all by doing a bit of both with some alternative games which seemed to go down very well with everyone. Our well deserved winners Suzanne and Steve pictured above on the right with Chopsticks at the ready. You will note by this time in the evening the silly Christmas Specs had been discarded.