The Recruiting Officer

Deepings NWR enjoy sunshine, a picnic and theatre with the Stamford Shakespeare Company’s outdoor theatre at Tolethorpe.

We stepped into the vibrant world of The Recruiting Officer, to witness a rollicking romp and the most popular play of the 18th Century.
Follow the misadventures of womanising Captain Plume and his fellow officers as they arrive in the lively market town of Shrewsbury on a mission to recruit soldiers for the army. As they employ bribery, flattery and cunning plans to entice the locals, they become embroiled in a web of romantic entanglements and comic misunderstandings. The recruitment of soldiers is left to wily Sergeant Kite who dresses up as a fortune teller in order to trick naive young men into joining up. The plot thickens as Captain Plume falls for the witty and resourceful Sylvia. When Sylvia’s disapproving father sends her away to the country, she returns disguised as a man and offers to enlist.
A merry band of folk musicians weave popular folk tunes we joined in with throughout the play.

Despite recent rain showers Wednesday 26th June 2024 proved to be a stunning evening and we picnicked on the lawns of Tolethorpe manor which is the custom in these parts. We needed plenty of refreshments to fortify us for the performance which, although not a Shakespeare proved to be over 3 hours long. We enjoyed the acting and impeccable staging & scenery, music, costumes and acting. We highly recommend other NWR groups to head to Tolethorpe for a uniquely British summer theatre experience at a bargain price.

I quote our own Claire and long standing member of SSC.

This year’s Midsummer Nights Dream is the BEST performance of the play I have ever seen…

Later in July we will be going to see Sense & Sensibility.