Programme of Events


PROGRAMME January to August 2017

Meetings 7.30pm for 7.45pm

Subs £1.00 per meeting. £2.00 when we have a speaker

4th January New Year get-together at 10.30am
9th January Top Hat – start the new year with the burning topics of the day and/or your own personal choice.
23rd January Bare necessities – What are the bare necessities of life? Has Baloo got it right? Or is reality rather different?
6th February Bring an ‘S’! “My S is…” Tell us about your S – a person, an object, a building, a place… beginning with S.
20th February

History of Motcombe  Speaker

Joe Seaman will come and talk to us.

6th March Mutinies – Famous or infamous mutinies in history, good or bad.
20th March Comics:  Bring along memories of your favourite comics. Do you still have some?Discuss how modern comics have changed. 
3rd April Murder Mystery – it’s show time!  Another play with a plot to solve.
24th April Who or what shares your name or initials?  Bring along your findings.
8th May

Top Hat – discuss the burning topics of the day and/or your own personal choice.

This week the Italian ladies should be with us for croquet etc so the Top Hat evening may be postponed.

22nd May Gemstones – look more into this fascinating topic. Wendy will ask for contributions nearer the time.
5th June

Local Crime Speaker Hayley

Scott – Winfield Public Engagement Officer for Sussex Police will talk about crime in Eastbourne and local campaigns and initiatives.

19th June Planning – Come along with ideas for the next programme.
3rd July Our annual walk – another evening ramble in the local area followed by refreshments
17th July Croquet – another chance to hone our skills or maybe come for the first time.
31st July Meal – We’ll choose a venue in due course
August Garden Party (with hats!) Our annual afternoon tea in Mimi’s garden