The Sunny Caribbean

On Monday, Wokingham 1 had a full house of 12 and 8 Zoomers for The Sunny Caribbean.

Sue introduced the Caribbean to us then we heard about Cuba (from Moira), Martinique (Lis) and Jamaica (Sue again). The atlas was passed around a couple of times along with some artifacts. The three countries chosen are very different and we heard about their histories, economies, geographies, famous people etc. Many of our members had been to some of the islands and were able to contribute their experiences and we heard many amusing anecdotes. Penny told us about Caribbean food and then those of us lucky enough to get a seat at Sue’s were treated to her jerk chicken and tropical fruit skewers plus fruit drinks with cocktail umbrellas. All very much appreciated. Wendy recommended a series of semi-autobiographical novels by Jane Duncan who lived on a Jamaican sugar planation. It is the ‘My Friends’ series.