Best-selling crime novelist confirmed for Brighton annual National Conference

We are excited to announce that the international best-selling crime novel author Peter James has agreed to be one of our speakers at the Annual Conference in June.

Peter hails from Brighton and for those who read crime thrillers you’ll know of his series featuring Brighton-based Detective Superintendent Roy Grace. James’ works have been adapted to plays, films and television shows and with 28 novels in his repertoire, it’s sure to be a gripping talk.

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So all of you NWR thrill-seekers had best secure your places now by booking your tickets through the office. You can also book your accomodation through the booking website. Non-NWR members are also welcome, so do spread the word. Ticket prices for non-members are £65.

Stay tuned to the website for updated information about the conference to follow late January.

*Fun little facts about Peter James: 

  • He worked as Orson Welles’ house cleaner whilst at film school.

  • He is the son of Cornelia James, the former glovemaker to Queen Elizabeth II. 

Read more about the 2016 theme.