Calling all groups and independent members – time to shout about what you do!

We are putting together some posts for our Facebook and Twitter feeds, and for here on our website, and we need your help…

We’d like to feature NWR groups from around the country to showcase all the different things you get up to!

So… if you would like your group to feature we need:


1. Details of your group – name and where you are based, how many members, when you started etc

2. A good quality photo of some/all of your group – if members were at the Chester conference 2018 and there is a good photo of them there then let us know the number of the photo from the Flickr site and we will find it. If not, you’ll need to be sure that everyone in the photo is happy for it to be shared on social media.

3. Details of some of the things you have been up to and future events. Something like “In the last year we had discussions on topics as varied as World War One poetry, Romanian folk music, the history of public toilets and the Future of the NHS. As well as our monthly discussion groups we have also organised visits to our local waste disposal facility, The British Library and our local pub… Some of our members meet for a walk in our local area on a regular basis (often stopping at the tearoom on the way back!). We are looking forward to taking part in the Telephone Treasure Trail later this year and next month’s meeting is entitled ‘Social media – a love or hate affair?’… You get the idea!

4. If you can give us a quote from a member or two about why they joined/why they love NWR that would be great as well – especially newer members who have joined in the last couple of years. If you’d like to include a quote about how you would love new members to join your group and how welcome they will be, even better!


If you are an independent member then you can send us something about why you are a member and what you have been involved with – we’ll need a photo of you as well.

Thank you! You can send your story and photo by email to the NWR office. If we are inundated we will post one or 2 per week, so it might take us a while to get through them all if all 400 groups get involved!