A Guided Walk along the Forth & Clyde Canal

Learning about Smart Canals
Wildflowers alongside the boats
Former Sea Rescue boat now a canal side home

3 of Kilbarchan Group’s Walking Group went on another of “Walking Glasgow’s” city walks along the Glasgow branch of the Forth & Clyde canal.

Taverns to quench your thirst beside the canals
History of Sawmills on the Canal
A carving that depicts Hillend Loch one of the many Lochs and Lochans that feed into the canal
Nolly Bridge with MacIntosh motifs

Refurbished Custom House at Speirs Wharf

This 2.8 miles branch to Port Dundas near the city centre was built later with the support of Glasgow merchants who thought they’d lose business if the main canal bypassed them completely. Kevin (a previous and excellent guide) shared so much of his knowledge which really helped to make the walk interesting. This included an area called Rockvilla. It was once the familiar name of a district clustered in the north of Glasgow around the canal featuring power looms and sawmills and the timber basin at Spiers Wharf. The area fell into decline in recent years but is being regenerated with the National Theatre of Scotland relocating its HQ here. The company will have access to 3,700 sqm of rehearsal space, costume and set-making – all under one roof.

A sunny day for a walk for Irene, Jenifer & Susan with Kevin the popular Guide .