Christmas Party 2023- Food and Fun

We held our Christmas party on 22 December kindly hosted once again by Margaretha. Before the feasting began and the Dutch present game was convened some members gave a performance of ‘Cinderella’ whilst dressed appropriately for their part. This was great fun. Next, we tucked into a wonderful buffet of food provided by those attending that accompanied the fab soups and bread provided by Margaretha – all washed down with more than a few bottles of non-alcoholic Prosecco. The lack of alcohol didn’t stop us having fun which included a game of Dutch Christmas presents which is a game of ‘chance and choices’ using 2 dice – introduced and explained to us by our very own Margaretha who is from the Netherlands. Before we all headed for home we sang a few of our favourite Christmas Carols seated around the log burner – a lovely feastive afternoon amongst friends.

2nd Good Fairy & Cinders
First Good Fairy & Cast

Much fun, competitiveness and laughter playing the Dutch Christmas Present Game

Marion and Margaretha with a lot of presents