This weekend, we have been participating in the Christmas tree festival at St Barnabas, one of two parish churches in Leighton Buzzard. The two churches take turns each year to host the festival. This year is the third time we have joined in.
Over 50 trees from various parts of the community were on show and, throughout the weekend, there were singers and musicians playing in the church.
Preparing our tree has been real team work. The theme of this year’s festival is friendship, so it is ideal for us.
We have many creative members in our group. One of them has made little tree ornaments which represent the activities we offer: book groups, walking, playing canasta, lunching. They are exquisite.
Another member hit upon the idea of making friendship bracelets. She ran a workshop to show volunteers how to make them. Around ten of us did so, and we hung 70 on the tree.
If our tree attracts new membership enquiries, that will be a bonus. For us, it has been a nice project and it is lovely to be part of a wider community in our town.