America in Crisis

2022 was the 40th anniversary of our first full year of meetings, so we wanted to revisit a topic from one of our very earliest programmes. This time looking specifically at abortion, gun law and racism. After an introduction to each of those topics we broke into 3 groups. Armed with some questions and a crib sheet, each group tackled one of the topics before feeding back to us all. During the group discussions and the ensuing full discussion at the end, it became clear to us that the US Constitution, written almost 250 years ago, affects virtually every area of American life today.
No solutions, but we have a greater understanding of the complexity and history of the Constitution as well as the problems facing today’s America. Very sadly not too far from our own.
Christmas Party Desert Island Discs

Later in the month, the last meeting for this year was great fun when our Christmas Social took the form of a Desert Island Discs evening. Much more cheerful than the previous meeting, it was attended by 17. We had each sent the title of one or two pieces of music to our LO who had made a play-list, and as the air filled with the strains of the pieces chosen, we speculated who had put that forward, often joining in, singing enthusiastically! As the person owned up with a brief reason why she had made the choice, we also learned what her book would be as well as her luxury item. The reasons for the choices and the banter that ensued generated a LOT of merriment and laughter, as well as nostalgia.
We had also brought a plate of the food we would miss most or something reminiscent of a tropical island to add to the party feeling – a super evening all round!
Happy New Year to NWR members everywhere!