Contribution Pride Lunch

As June is Pride month and the NWR suggested groups celebrate by holding a Pride Picnic, we adapted our summer contribution lunch by asking members to invite an imaginary guest from the LGBTQ communities and tell us briefly about that person and their reasons for bringing them to meet us all as their lunch companion.
A very thought-provoking and enjoyable afternoon ensued, with lovely food, fabulous weather and the company of interesting guests from the past and present, from a variety of backgrounds.  From the arts came Noel Coward, David Hockney, Val McDermid and Dusty Springfield; from the 19th century, the Ladies of Llangollen; from the media came Sue Perkins and Claire Balding and from sport, Billie Jean King. One special guest was a relative of a member, which made their personal story all the more relevant and touching. Most guests had faced considerable challenges because of their sexual orientation, yet all were talented and had overcome prejudice to lead fulfilling, interesting and successful lives.

by Ruth Rothwell