Deepings members proudly devise the 2016 TTT Quiz

Pam Blair, Faith Oxford (AO) and Manuella Armstrong in charge.

For four nights in early November, members of Deepings and stalwart UK-wide NWR members manned the phones between the twilight hours of 8-10pm to facilitate a unique annual event ‘the telephone treasure trail’ quiz. Over 300 groups took part – you can follow the links from the members dashboard to the articles posted by Ilana – with Edenbridge winning the competition overall.  

Deepings had a few extra events on our programme this year to prepare the Quiz: question selection; question testing; quiz trial 1 and quiz trial 2 (for those of us who couldn’t make trial 1…)

Our final involvement was the ‘marking night’ – a few ex-teachers among us, perhaps qualified us amply for the task, which was lively to say the least. We enjoyed the surroundings of Pam’s newly refurbished kitchen/diner with the usual surfeit of hot beverages and biscuits. One of the most surprising things was the lovely notes and messages which arrived among the quiz papers.  We passed these around for everyone to see on the night.  Thank-you to everyone who thoughtfully sent back these messages of encouragement.  So much appreciated.

Good luck to Edenbridge with the challenge of 2017 TTT – somehow I know that you will ‘make the most of the experience – as we did’.