Devizes NWR Group on Track!

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Jenny, from Devizes NWR, has been in touch to tell us about her local group…

“Devizes NWR group held their first meeting in September 2011 and now have 13 members. We meet every three weeks, on a rolling rota of Monday to Thursday.

We try to have varied meetings and recent ones have included Inspiring Women, Human Evolution to Artificial Intelligence, a walking treasure trail and a music hall type drama entitled ‘Tram Track Tragedy’ (see the photo above!).

Other highlights were a speaker on mindfulness and a talk about prisons given by the ex-governor of Erlstoke Prison, and now governor of Portland Youth Offenders Institution.

We are looking forward to the Telephone Treasure Trail, an evening on the Supernatural and early next year a talk entitled ‘Heir Hunters – the real deal’.

We occasionally have daytime visits to gardens or exhibitions and we are looking forward to a visit to Newbury Watermill Theatre to see ‘Trial by Laughter’ by Ian Hislop and Nick Newman soon.

We would welcome new members to our group, please get in touch with the NWR office or via the contact form on the NWR website.”