October Meeting
Here are a few notes and photos from our meeting:
Manjot told us how in India wearing a hat was frowned upon in the 60’s because wearing a hat was a British custom and India had just won it’s independence. There are nevertheless areas in the Northern side of India where hats are worn, and it is because of the weather. This is an example of what men in the North part of India are wearing.

Linda showed as a beautiful picture from one of her favourite painter, who is famous for painting impressive hats. The painting belongs to Thomas Gainsboraugh, and it’s caller: Mrs Siddons.

Sarjit presented a very beautiful Pictionary of hat styles.

Joana underlined the importance of hats for men and women, and their roles. Hats are a badge, and they have been traced 14000 years back . Evidence have been found in France on paintings in caves in Ariege in 1914. Archaeologists believe that they were worn by shamans. Joana also brought a few hats, in a very beautiful hats box, even an original straw hat from 2012 (Olympics ).
Sue – Hats are different depending on the class of those who wore them. Rich people wore colourful hats adorned with jewellery whilst the poor wore darker colours(brown, grey, black). Sue displayed a beautiful personal collection of hats that you will find in the pictures below.

Angela spoke about straw hats and how useful they are when she works in her allotment because the sun bleaches her hair.
Juliana spoke about the manufacturer who made customed hats for her grandfather. The factory no longer exists but we know that it started producing hats in 1986. She also showed us a Romanian cake called the Cossack’s hat.

We spoke about our grandparent’s hats, place in society, fabrics , and so much more. Here are a few pictures we took at our meeting: