Improving the circle of life

Over a hundred participants, from as far afield as Sussex, gathered in Poynton, Cheshire on Saturday 25 March. We heard eminent clinicians Dr Jenny Myers and Professor Alistair Burns from the University of Manchester medical school talk about their research and practice.


Dr Myers emphasised how a healthy pregnancy impacts on future life, detailing her research on the effects of factors such as diet and lifestyle choices. Her clinical work in a Manchester hospital with over 9000 deliveries a year includes researching diabetes and hypertension in pregnancy, supported by Tommy’s charity, to reduce miscarriage and stillbirth.


Professor Burns explained the challenges of dementia for patients, their families and the wider community. We discussed causes, prevention, the importance of timely diagnosis and treatment. Examples of community initiatives are Dementia Friends and local plans to make Poynton a “dementia friendly village”

Both speakers presented these difficult issues in a warm, human and practical way, leading to lively group discussions about health from conception, throughout pregnancy and childhood into old age. We all resolved to remain lively minded women for as long as possible by mental stimulation, physical exercise, new skills, social activity and thinking young – NWR is just what the doctor ordered!

Our questions were answered with insight and understanding.

Members from both Poynton NWR groups (pictured below) enjoyed working together to organise the event.