Ladies in Lavender!

Lavender Farm Ladies

A message from the ‘Ladies in Lavender’ from the Ringwood Group…

“Our group is quite new and started in April 2015. We are now 11 members and some have joined after moving into the area from another group, some, like me, have re-joined after belonging years ago and some are completely new to NWR. We have expanded our monthly meetings from an evening discussion meeting to include an afternoon book group and a lunch club.

We try to choose unusual venues for our lunches and include a discussion topic relevant to the location. For example, in the restaurant in a local converted church we discussed ‘Stained Glass windows’; ‘Love Affairs’ was the topic at Lily Langtry’s and at the RNLI restaurant we will be reviewing ‘Disasters at Sea’.

At our evening sessions topics we have discussed include ‘Fashion disasters – yours or other people’s’, ‘Assassinations’, ‘The Shipping Forecast’, ‘Anything beginning with R’, a play reading, and a speaker on hydrangeas. We are looking forward to a Romanian evening and the annual telephone treasure trail. In March we arranged an area quiz night and were delighted to meet with members from other Wilts, Hants and Dorset groups for quite a noisy evening to challenge our grey cells – Salisbury group won!

New members are always welcome to try us out so please contact us through the NWR website to find out more over an informal coffee.

The photo shows some members on an outing and Dee Ap Simon said ‘Our group enjoyed a delicious lavender scone cream tea in the Lavender Garden near Salisbury, surrounded by the busy buzz of bees harvesting the nectar and pollen. Behind us a magnificent second garden was ablaze with masses of wild flowers. A veritable feast for all.’

Please do contact us if you would like to join us.”

Wendy Jefferies, Ringwood NWR Group