Learning about Poland


On February 14th, casting Valentines Day aside, members of NWR Nailsea, near Bristol, met to learn about Poland. 10 members researched and presented topics.

To start we had a historical timeline and an overview of the geography of the country, including how its borders had changed over time and the 8 Polish cities we could fly to from Bristol Airport. We learnt about Warsaw and a member who had visited Krakow presented pictures and information about the amazing nearby Salt Mines. We then heard about the Gdansk shipyard strikes, Solidarity, the election of Lech Walesa and Poland’s move to democracy. As something that happened in our lifetime it was interesting to learn a bit more about it. Famous people we learnt about were Copernicus, Marie Curie, Pola Negri, who was a star in the silent movies, Irene Sendler, who saved 2,500 Jewish children from the Warsaw ghetto and John Paul 2nd.

We finished a stimulating evening sampling delicious polish food made by members and some drinks, sausage and cheese from a polish grocery.

ese from a polish grocery.