Leighton Buzzard celebrates its 50th anniversary – a year late

Our wish has finally come true – more than a year late. We have planted a tree alongside a busy footpath in a park in the town to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the founding of the local group in 1970.

The ceremony was originally due to take place in March last year but has been postponed since then because of the coronavirus pandemic. Lockdown restrictions continued to play a part in limiting the number who could attend the planting of a lime tree with a commemorative plaque.

Members of the group in the picture at the ceremony are, from left: Heather de Lacey, Rita Priestley, Ruth Roy and Nicky Gaulton. Ruth was the driving force behind the project, working with the Council to ensure that, no matter how belatedly, the tree planting would finally go ahead.

The Town Council, who will receive a donation from the NWR group, requested the planting of a lime tree to replace one in an avenue of limes that had died and needed replacing.