Lily Langtry, affairs and tea

Deborah, Irene and I took Afternoon Cream Tea at Langtry Manor today – unfortunately Dee wasn’t well enough to join us and Jan didn’t make it.

We had our tea sitting amongst portraits of Edward V11th and The Jersey Lily in the Dining Room, beneath the Minstrels Gallery. We entertained each other with snippets of Lily’s life and loves and tales of Francesca Annis who received a BAFTA for her portrayal of Lily in the ITV series first screened in 1979 ( and yes, we all remembered it well). We moved on to wonder at what some women saw in ‘ men of power’, notably Donald Trump and Adolf Hitler and concluded that their power/ arrogance was probably the mesmerising key! ( No we still don’t get it!) We also talked about the attraction by women of a certain age to younger men ( and the reason these relationships often didn’t have legs) and concluded this was something we totally understood!