Listen to the NWR Magazine online

Did you know you can listen to the NWR Magazine? Trustee, Jo Thomson, tells us about getting into the recording studio.


On Thursday 15 December two members of Leighton Buzzard NWR, Lesley Inchley and I, presented ourselves at the Open University in Milton Keynes to make an audio version of the magazine for members who are visually impaired.

We did not know quite what to expect, but our contact at the OU had said it was all very simple, and that we would be able to operate the equipment ourselves and be in complete control of our recording. We were installed in separate recording booths, with a large red flashing sign, “Recording”, outside the doors. After a brief training session were left to our own devices. The pages had been lightly edited so that we knew how to describe such things as boxed text, and when to add a little extra description to items such as book reviews.

On playing back our recordings initially we found the sound of our voices very odd, but gradually it became more familiar and one learnt how to pace the reading – and not to take a breath too close to the microphone! It certainly gave us a little more insight into the professional approach and our aim was to read as if speaking to the reader as an individual.

We read half of the magazine each, which did not take too long, even with checking the results afterwards. I found it a very peaceful and satisfying experience and was sorry in a way when it came to an end. I shall certainly pursue the idea of becoming a reader for the Open University, as many of their texts have to be produced in audio form.

I hope that we have done the magazine justice and that those who hear the recording will feel that we have done a good job.  Roll on the next one!

Listen to the audio recording of the NWR Magazine here. Look out for the next edition – coming soon!


Image by Leesmithies