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Lockdown – The Little Things I Miss

from member, Pauline Rhodes

Remember when you could leave the house

And NOT act like a frightened mouse?

Recollect when you went to places

And could see ALL the people’s faces?

Do I want to mix with people – YES!

And again dress up to impress.

Others, housebound and depressed

Dream of getting up and DRESSED!

When did you last see your guy

Leave the house wearing a tie?

My daily make-up regime

Once so important to my scheme,

Now slides down the slippery slope

Why bother when there’s little hope?

My haircut plans have all been doomed

When will I again feel well groomed?

Once I could pick and choose

Which outfit, with which shoes?

All the colours and styles I cherish

Now all they seem to do is perish!!

With what the future holds in store,

Why would I want to buy some more?

You wore your selection with pride,

Now your taste you would deride.

All the restrictions make you lazy

Inactivity drives you crazy!

Covid is turning us into slobs!

We could end up all being blobs!

Nowadays sometimes I snooze –

It helps to while away the blues.

As despondent at the screen I stare

I want to pack a suitcase and take it ANYWHERE!

I know we keep in touch with friends

Using all these modern trends

Zoom, Facetime, WhatsApp, phone calls,

Whilst incarcerated within four walls.

It’s NOT the same as BEING there.

What EVERYONE would like to share

Is sitting round a table, I think,

Enjoying a convivial meal or drink.

You might think my issues fretty,

My aspirations might seem petty.

You could also think me very shallow,

Now all my hopes are lying fallow!

If this poem seems a little flippant

I wish I could have made it different!

A ‘Normal’ world again would be bliss

What wouldn’t we all give for this?

So what do I miss most of all?

Besides which ALL desires pall?

Its cuddles with my family that I miss

And to give my grandchild a great big KISS!

© Pauline Rhodes