London Trip

Five of the Earley Group had a lovely day out in London last week. They got the train to Waterloo, then London Bridge, and walked to the Fashion and Design Museum which was founded by Zandra Rhodes. They saw an exhibition ‘The Biba Story: 1964 to 1975’. Although the Museum is small it was very interesting, and the clothes brought back many reminiscences. Barbara Hulanicki, the woman who revolutionised British fashion, was influenced particularly by the Pre-Raphaelites and Art Nouveau and her designs were in earthy colours like olive, rust and, her favourite, ‘bruised purple’. Apparently the only garment on display that Barbara still owns is the grey leopard print trouser suit in the picture below.

After the exhibition the group had lunch locally and wandered around the area, seeing some interesting things like the Cornerstone Community Sculpture. A very enjoyable day out – even the weather was being kind.