Members of the Long Melford and District NWR group are very sad to annouce the death of Marina Reed, a founder member and a loyal friend to many.
At her funeral service two members of the group shared their memories of Marina as a fun-loving, forthright and committed NWR member, both locally and nationally. When the group was newly formed she went out of her way to welcome newcomers, paving the way to many lasting and valued friendships.
She made a point of keeping in touch with her many friends within the group especially when they moved abroad, and was also a regular contributor to the NWR magazine.
No matter what the topic of the meeting Marina would be there to offer her ideas on the subject, or even dress up when required, as was the case for a recent 1920s theme.
She was also well known for her often hilarious escapades. On one occasion Marina and a couple of other members attended a two-day national conference, took the wrong train home and had to be rescued by one of the husbands, well after midnight.
Marina will be very sadly missed by all her friends at NWR.