Mellor reach out to their neighbours!

Back in the olden days, we used to have occasional catch ups with local organisers in the North Derbyshire/ Cheshire area and link in with adjacent groups for larger events. For whatever reasons, that arrangement faded and we decided it was time for a resurrection!

Armed with new technology, (and a few members who know how to use it) we reached out to other NWR groups in the area, via the NWR office, and set up an initial meeting of a maximum of two from each group. No structure, no minutes, no role titles, no pressure. No need for any of that because miraculously folk volunteered! In a very “can do” spirit, within an hour we had a broad brush idea of venue, format and date.
A WhatsApp group was set up with clear rules of “no unnecessary chat; a quiz format with afternoon tea was agreed upon and one further meeting later it happened!

The quiz tables were strategically arranged so that participants could meet members from different groups. The quiz master did an excellent job, and we now all know what a “Diabolo Menthe” is! Afternoon tea was delicious. A glass of Prosecco greeted us on arrival and no money changed hands for the complimentary raffle ticket. A small profit existed at the close of play and it was unanimously donated to the Trussell Trust. It all worked beautifully and we intend to explore other opportunities in the future, particularly with either speakers or trips.

So, if your group is diminishing in size or you’re looking for a different slant we suggest you reach out to your neighbours. …it worked for us!