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NWR Perth’s monthly daytime event

Some of Perth’s members enjoying their monthly daytime event. In March 2020 they visited the Signet Library, Edinburgh where they had a tour and a meal which was arranged by one of the group members, herself a designated Writer to the Signet.

They coincidentally had member celebrating her birthday so she was presented with a wee cake

The Society of Writers to Her Majesty’s Signet is the oldest legal society in the world. It is a private society of Scottish solicitors. The Society dates back to 1594 and is part of the College of Justice. Writers to the Signet originally had special privileges in relation to the drawing up of documents which required to be signeted, but these have disappeared and the Society is now an independent, non-regulatory association of solicitors, most of whom are based in Edinburgh.

The Signet Library is situated in the very heart of Edinburgh’s Old Town, is the epitome of prestigious, Georgian elegance. Steeped in history, the building, with its Lower and Upper Libraries, was completed in 1822 in time for the celebrated visit to Edinburgh of King George IV, who described the Upper Library as “the finest drawing room in Europe”.