Remembrance Day Poppies in Carmunnock

One blue sky day in late October we visited a small conservation village to the south of Glasgow, Carmunnock, where the parishioners of the local parish church had been working for eight months knitting over 9000 poppies, at times working around the clock.  Completed in time for Remembrance Day this year, to honour all those involved in the First  World War including 13 from Carmunnock, the poppies were used to decorate the church and its surroundings and the village memorial, to stunning effect.

The display was extraordinarily moving – thousands of individually made poppies, sewn together & draped over the church and its walls.  The dedication and commitment of the whole of the village to this project was extraordinary.  The villagers we talked to were very proud of what they’d achieved and said it had really brought them together.  We spent several hours in the village – it was a visit we will not forget for a long time and the vision of all those poppies will stay with us forever.