Rotherham group celebrated their Ruby anniversary on 30th June.
We met with our friends from the Aston group in the hall we have often used since Covid. Members all found something red to wear, brought photos of themselves from 40 years ago, made a display of archive material and produced a delicious buffet, again largely based on the ‘red’ theme. Our music playlist was from 1983 or with Ruby in the title.
Nicky, our founder member spoke briefly about how she came to set up the group, Debra and Linda had also joined within a few months in 1983. Others told how important our NWR group has been to them over the years how they value the support and friendship of the group especially at difficult times in their lives. We also talked about the way the group has developed over the years, how we have come to be very closely linked to the neighbouring Aston group and now include a regular walking group, a long established book group as well as Bridge and Mahjong groups.
Between main course and deserts we had a fascinating quiz where we were given 3 obscure facts about each member and had to guess their identity. Even in groups this proved surprisingly difficult and will possibly be the starting point for a future meeting.
Altogether an extremely memorable and enjoyable evening.