In Memoriam – Lee Elizabeth Egerton

Lee Elizabeth Egerton of Nantwich ‘B’ group passed away peacefully at home after a short illness on 30 April 2023

Lee had been a member from the early days before the split into Nantwich B and Nantwich and Audlem so we think about 55 years.  You may remember she wrote the wonderful poem for our Diamond Anniversary extolling NWR which was the centrepiece of our contribution to the Anniversary book which each group contributed to.  One of our members read it out at her funeral as everyone knew how much Register meant to Lee.

She was a wonderful, enthusiastic member who for many years compiled or programme with thought provoking topics which she always researched thoroughly as we were also expected to do. She was a lovely lady with a wealth of knowledge and a great sense of humour. Apart from the anniversary poem (click here to read it) she also wrote many for the entertainment of our group and we will all miss her lively presence and our meetings will be so much poorer without her.

NWR member, Carol, wrote the following poem about Lee.

NWR In Memory of our friend Lee Egerton

You have been such a warm and clever member,
Your poems, smile and shared experiences we will always remember,
Your can do, positivity and warmness were an asset to us all,
A poem for the centenary needed, it was you that we would call,
We all have special memories of a wonderful woman and friend,
Our love and admiration we will all send,
No words we can say will ever meet your heights,
Every word, phrase and poem were such a delight,
Forever in our memory,  thoughts and prayers,
For a woman who expressed just how much she cared.