Southsea Group’s Programme January – June 2016

January 11th – Women architects

Choose a female architect to discuss. Do they have different ideas about design to men?

January 25th – Does the BBC have a future?

Let’s talk about Auntie Beeb. Outmoded? Irrelevant? A waste of money? Air your opinions on this great institution and let’s plan it’s future together.

February 1st China 

Research an aspect of this interesting country. Geography, Politics, Economy, Flora and Fauna, Society, Arts and Culture, History.

February 15th – Our Favourite Bird. 

Choose a bird to talk about.

February 29th – Book Review

Introduce us to your latest book recommendation

March 14th – Theme is 1944 
It is Polly’s birthday. Let’s celebrate with her.

March 21st – Children’s Toys

Have a look at some toy shops online of in the town. How do they market toys? How have toys changed? Do you still have a toy from your childhood?

April 4th – Garden Design

Have you had your garden designed? How did you go about it? Have you plans for a garden? What designs work in our area? What is your ideal garden design? Bring sketches if you can!

April 18th – Coincidence

Two men sat near to each other on a train and they were identical in looks. In 1930 a baby fell out of a window and was saved by a man who saved the baby’s life again the following year. Any uncanny coincidences in your life?

Suggested reading  “The Drunkards’ Walk ; how randomness rules our lives ” by Leonard Mlodinow

May 9th – Transgender

What do we understand by transgender? Research the history processes and the psychology behind this and share your research and anecdotes.

May 23 – Planning
Bring ideas for topics and speakers as we plan our next programme..

June 6th – Mental Health – Psychology

Speaker TBC

June 20th – Pets

What are the benefits of having pets? What pets have you had and how did they contribute to your life. Have you any stories about unusual pets. Bring photos if you wish.

July 4th –  Summer Walk

Liz to organise.