Spring programme 2024

13 March Saturday Jobs: Discussion: Did you have a Saturday job or after school job?  Do you think this helped you when you started full time work?  Do you think children today miss out by not having part time jobs? What was your first paid job?

22 March Coffee morning

27 March Spring – myths and legends : Many cultures have stories about spring linking rebirth and resurrection. There are poems and folklore about spring flowers and their meanings.    Research something relating to spring

10 April Caribbean evening 1 : Country chosen by HQ – they have sent information for us to look at and discuss.  There are 13 countries for us to investigate – details to follow.  If anyone has been to any of the islands please bring photos.  We will try to organise some Caribbean food and drink

19 April NWR walk followed by lunch at local pub

24 April Charles – our new(ish) King is a Charles.  What other famous Charles’ do you know?

a) How do you think his first year has gone?   Should he abdicate when the time is right?

b) Choose a Charles to discuss – there are lots!