St Thomas’s Christmas Tree Festival – our NWR themed tree

3B36CDBF B605 403A 8E4B 392BFB949A95

B860D2EA 8171 4A81 934A DE016E167EBC

117942F0 8842 4E9C B4A5 E9E001B3717EEAB92155 E181 4978 B264 6B8334733CB4Not a conventional tree but a decorated garden frame.

The branches bear labels of the numbers of groups in the countries and and counties of the UK With those of our county, Wiltshire, being named individually.

The two tableaux show a conference on the upper level and meeting in each other’s houses at the lower level.

The Telephone Treasure Trail is represented by a mobile phone to the rear of this lower tableau.

The light bulb at the top represents bright ideas with the labels hanging from its pullcord listing features of NWR