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The Droitwich NWR Music Appreciation Group


I am writing to tell you about our Music Appreciation Group which has been meeting for just over 10 years now.

When we were able to meet in person we used to choose a subject and we would each bring our chosen piece on CD to play on the evening.  We have covered subjects such as learning about different instruments, what does a conductor do and various genres of music.  Since Lockdown we have continued via email which has brought us together as we pick a date, we choose our music and listen to it together but apart.

We now have a monthly virtual meeting as we are all finding it enormously helpful in coping with the changes to our normal lives.

For the last two months we have been exploring Black Musicians and Composers and have found some wonderful music.  These composers may have been successful during their lifetimes but forgotten (like Joseph Bologne, Le Chevalier du Saint-Georges) or like many Americans  who had to cope in the 20th century with racial discrimination like Fanny Price.

We are looking forward to BBC4’s programme on Sunday 27th September to hear which musicians they feature.

Brenda Wornham