The Farnham NWR New Year’s Honours List for January 1st 2021

The Farnham NWR New Year’s Honours List for January 1st 2021

I hope you will recognise yourself in many of these caregories:-

Our technical expert, who made us realise that NWR could go on, and on and on – 27 meetings instead of our usual 20

The Zoom link sharers – where would we be without you?

Those who struggled with tech, but conquered their tablets, phones and laptops, so that they could take part in meetings

The Co-ordinators – who went to great lengths to break topics into manageable, interesting parts, and then led us through the maze and helped us to see a whole picture

The Researchers – who shared their findings and explained things we had never previously thought about

The Volunteers – especially those who made an extra effort, when no one else had signed up as the date-line loomed

The Listeners – we all need an audience to make our research worthwhile, especially one that poses questions!

The LO team who crafted the specially modified on-line programme.

The LOs who wrote detailed reports so that friends living as far away as Abu Dhabi, Antigua and New Zealand could feel a part of the group,

Those who joined in and /or sent messages from around the world

The Gardeners -who created sanctuaries where others could chat and experience a sense of normality

Those who shared their news and their worries and made us all feel part of a caring family

Those who showed they cared, by sending messages of support and information, as well as pictures and links to cheer everyone up

Those who gave practical support throughout the local community ,checking up on friends, family and neighbours, brightening days with socially distanced chats, delivering shopping and sharing garden produce and other ‘goodies’

Those who kept their families safe, enabled the vunerable to shield, and helped grandchildren to play and learn

Those who worked from home and made sure the world carried on

Those who dressed in PPE and were there for their patients

The seamstress, who helped to dress frontline workers, and those who provided fabric and miles and miles of thread

Our new member, who was brave enough to join in the middle of the year, bringing us a new voice and different things to think about

Those who taught us to enjoy singing loudly on line (having self-muted)

Finally, to those of you, who attended most meetings and to those of you who attended only a few – leaving gallery -screen space for others – thank you for never giving up on the Farnham NWR Group 

You all deserve one or more New Year’s Day Honours


With special thanks to the thoughtful person, who suggested the idea of Nominations for the Mary Stott Award

The Farnham NWR New Year’s Honours List for January 1st 2021

I hope you will recognise yourself in many of these caregories:-

Our technical expert, who made us realise that NWR could go on, and on and on – 27 meetings instead of our usual 20

The Zoom link sharers – where would we be without you?

Those who struggled with tech, but conquered their tablets, phones and laptops, so that they could take part in meetings

The Co-ordinators – who went to great lengths to break topics into manageable, interesting parts, and then led us through the maze and helped us to see a whole picture

The Researchers – who shared their findings and explained things we had never previously thought about

The Volunteers – especially those who made an extra effort, when no one else had signed up as the date-line loomed

The Listeners – we all need an audience to make our research worthwhile, especially one that poses questions!

The LO team who crafted the specially modified on-line programme.

The LOs who wrote detailed reports so that friends living as far away as Abu Dhabi, Antigua and New Zealand could feel a part of the group,

Those who joined in and /or sent messages from around the world

The Gardeners -who created sanctuaries where others could chat and experience a sense of normality

Those who shared their news and their worries and made us all feel part of a caring family

Those who showed they cared, by sending messages of support and information, as well as pictures and links to cheer everyone up

Those who gave practical support throughout the local community ,checking up on friends, family and neighbours, brightening days with socially distanced chats, delivering shopping and sharing garden produce and other ‘goodies’

Those who kept their families safe, enabled the vunerable to shield, and helped grandchildren to play and learn

Those who worked from home and made sure the world carried on

Those who dressed in PPE and were there for their patients

The seamstress, who helped to dress frontline workers, and those who provided fabric and miles and miles of thread

Our new member, who was brave enough to join in the middle of the year, bringing us a new voice and different things to think about

Those who taught us to enjoy singing loudly on line (having self-muted)

Finally, to those of you, who attended most meetings and to those of you who attended only a few – leaving gallery -screen space for others – thank you for never giving up on the Farnham NWR Group 

You all deserve one or more New Year’s Day Honours


With special thanks to the thoughtful person, who suggested the idea of Nominations for the Mary Stott Award