For our November meeting the Welwyn NWR discussed travel, which we found such a wide-ranging subject that it would be worthy of bringing back as a discussion topic another month!
Whilst finding plenty of time to chat before, after (and during!) the discussion, we covered:
Travel planning – apparently, according to a 2019 survey, 58% of Brits plan their next holiday during work hours, with people in London spending the most time doing it – 39 minutes a week!
We pondered on the origins of travel, was it curiosity, trade, the search for food, crusades or invasion? We’d love to know. We also considered how changes to society impacted travel through the ages, the industrial revolution brought speedier travel, the quality of roads and air travel, the dispersion of families and the introduction of paid leave from work in the 20th century.
We talked about our own personal reasons for travel and that of our relatives – refugees from war, travel to find work, and how some people have a desire to travel and others are happy to stay local.
Image by Steve Brandon from Pixabay