The NWR Trentham group recently investigated the lives of 17 soldiers named on their local war memorial. The group have produced this moving film and vowed never to forget these local boys and men.
The memorial was a gift to Trentham by the women of the district. Project co-ordinator Marilyn Vigurs, aged 66, of Trentham, said: “When we started the project we just had a list of 17 names. Now we know a lot more about the men… In a strange sort of way, we feel as though we know them.”
A moving Remembrance Day service was the culmination of months of research carried out by Trentham NWR and a large crowd gathered at the war memorial to pay their respects to these 17 men.
The service was led by Reverend Everton McLeod. He said: “It was a privilege and an honour to be part of this special service. The fact that we now know so much more about these 17 men makes it even more special.”
See the Trentham Remembrance service in pictures or read The Sentinel article here.
Poppies image by Nick Page.
See also NWR Trentham travel back to 1916