Today was more about fresh air and friendship than an exploration of new footpaths because the recent flooding and freezing temperatures brought our Deepings walking group members to a simple route down Eastgate alongside the river Welland for the first walk of 2025.

A majestic grey heron thrilled us with a lengthy glide along a stretch of the Welland to land on the bank near our footpath. He continued to fish unmoving while we navigated the locks back on the opposite bank and retraced our steps back to the Godsey Coffee Café.

The walk refreshed but chilled us so we soon headed for the café on the corner of Godsey Lane passing the Deepings Library where we spied Alison (one of our members in some kind of meeting or group activity) a quick wave before we squeezed into the already full café for welcome refreshments.
Next month (February 2025) will be a whole year since our first monthly walking adventures began. That occasion Jane and I ventured to the snowdrop spectacular at Easton Walled Gardens.
Already the early tall variety of snowdrops are up in my garden and I am anticipating Spring and the lengthening of the days... and Pam’s route around the village of Etton in nearby John Clare country next month.