July’s walk threatened rain, but we remained dry through the bracken under the trees, over the muddy paths and across stream beds. Six friends enjoyed a less travelled circular route through the Forestry Commission woodland known as Bourne Woods. It nestles on the very edge of the Lincolnshire Wolds off the A151 just after the turning left that undulates over to Stamford.
I did a test walk of my chosen route yesterday and got a soaking from the long wet grasses on the first half then fell over into very sloppy mud as I negotiated the final leg. Needless to say that part was cut out of our walk today. My mishap yesterday was no hardship though as I was rewarded with several fallow deer sightings, a greater spotted woodpecker, many brown butterflies and dragonflies, a jay and two voles. I think lone walking has its benefits when it comes to nature encounters.
Today was all about the conversation though. Walking in small groups gives friends that opportunity to chat and explore conversations that just don’t get properly aired during formal NWR meetings. The woodland paths meandered this way and that (it is rather easy to get lost in these woods) so being prepared with a route meant we could just stroll and talk and look without a care in the world.

The after walk refreshments are part of our monthly Wednesday Walk fixture. This time I invited the members home for homemade jam scones and coffee. Thanks ladies for a lovely morning.