Women, beget women!

NWR was established to enable women who were at home with small children to connect with other women and, from time to time, members tell me that “women don’t need this any more”.

I disagree.

I have at various times in my life been at home with a small child; been caring for an adult family member, working in a male-dominated environment, working alone from home; and I have moved to a new area where I knew no-one. It is these women, women like me, that we are reaching out to now!

Women can find it particularly challenging in this day and age to maintain and begin new friendships. There are hundreds of dating websites, and dating – including speed-dating – events across the country but where does a woman go who just wants to talk? Or walk? To keep her mind active? To find kindred spirits? They come – we hope – to NWR.

So, on International Women’s Day, look at you group and ask – are we providing that friendly, welcoming environment that enabled us to join 10, 15 – even 30 years ago?
Here at NWR we are reaching out to women countrywide through local radio and television, local open-evening events, and by making sure that we can start to get our name known as a space where “you can do you”

Finally, if you want help attracting new members to your area just let me know!