Online courses for NWR volunteers

We are delighted to share with you a catalogue of online courses available to NWR volunteers and those who are considering taking up a voluntary role.

We hope that the courses will help you in your role, provide personal development opportunities or also assist with wider societal matters that you may encounter.

What are the courses about?

The courses cover a range of topics including cyber security, green and sustainability terminology, handling violence and aggression, communication skills and fluids and nutrition. They are CPD credited and aimed at professionals in a range of different sectors.

What format do the courses take?

The courses are available online and comprise of text and pictures with buttons to click on to reveal information. They range in time from eight minutes to 80 minutes, with the majority taking 20-30 minutes to complete.

At the end of the course you will be given the opportunity to take an assessment and upon successful completion of the assessment will receive a certificate.

How much will they cost?

They are free for NWR volunteers to access.

How do I access them?

The courses can be accessed online. Links to the courses are below.

Do I have to do the courses?

The courses are not mandatory, but NWR volunteers are encouraged to take the ‘Understanding GDPR’ course and we recommend you take the courses dealing with mental health and equality, diversity and inclusion awareness.

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