
Local Organiser
Local Organiser
Enid Swetnam
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We have 20 members in the Bramcote group and meet weekly on a Wednesday evening in our homes, having a few breaks for Christmas, Easter and a couple of weeks in August – the school holiday commitments of members’ own children now being replaced by grandparent duties. We average 10 each meeting, depending on topic. Seating capacity of lounges is a consideration.

We follow a 6 monthly programme agreed at a planning meeting where suggestions for topics are discussed and offers of homes to meet in are confirmed. The programme contains a mix of topics that require individual research, ones where volunteers opt to research something in more depth and share with the group and others where the focus is lighter. We occasionally invite a guest speaker, have a meal out and visit the theatre once a year. We have no committee structure, apart from a volunteer treasurer.

Notification of possible new members usually comes from the national office. One member is happy to be the email link. She then invites the prospective member to one of our meetings. Another path is word of mouth from existing group members. A member has recently moved out of the area and made links with the local groups in the area she was moving to before she left, which put her in touch with a network of local knowledge that smoothed the process. Likewise, a proactive NWR member sought our Bramcote group when she moved into the area and now participates in our weekly meetings.

There are 2 ‘spin-off’ groups: a Lunch Club, in which husbands/partners participate and a monthly walking group.

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History of Teddy Bears

15 Jan 2025

A member will start this evening and then we will follow with our own information. Perhaps you could bring your…


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